We offer a range of paths to an Instrument Rating.
We offer the full IR as well as the Competency Based IR (CB-IR) for those coming to us with the required experience.
Finally the En Route IR (EIR) is offered. For those who would like to depart and arrive in good weather, but still wish to fly in the airways across Europe, this more limited rating is the one for you.
We are specialists in tailor-made courses, according to your requirement and experience. Unlike some of the larger commercial flight schools, we are available seven days per week and our friendly, professional staff offer a personalised training experience.
Competence-Based IR (CB-IR)
At Redhill Aviation, we can offer a CB-IR for both Multi Engine (ME CB-IR) and Single Engine (SE CB-IR). We can also offer conversion courses from Single Engine IR to Multi Engine IR.
The ABSOLUTE minimum training hours required for a CB-IR are 10, but if you have no IFR MEP experience, the minimum training requirement becomes 15 hours.
After successful completion of the CB-IR training course, you will have a “full” Instrument Rating listed on your licence. You will be required to revalidate your Instrument Rating (either ME-IR or SE-IR) annually and this too can be carried out at Shoreham Aviation.
Instrument Rating (“Full” IR)
To start this course, you must hold a PPL(A) including a night qualification OR a CPL(A). You must have completed at least 50 hours cross-country flight time as pilot-in-command in aeroplanes or helicopters, of which at least 10 hours shall be in the relevant aircraft category.
The course consists of two modules, which may be taken separately or combined:
(a) Basic Instrument Flight Module – which comprises 10 hours instrument flight time under instruction, of which up to 5 hourse can be instrument ground time in a BITD, FNPTI or II or a FFS. Upon completion of the BIMF, the candidate shall be issued a Course Completion Certificate.
(b) Procedural Instrument Flight Module* – which comprises the remainder of the training syllabus for the IR(A), 40 hours single-engine or 45 hours multi-engine** instrument time under instruction and the theoretical knowledge course for the IR(A) – which shall have been completed prior to commencing this module***.
* Applicants for the PIFM who do not hold a CPL(A) must hold a Course Completion Certificate for the BIFM.
Applicants wishing to undertake the PIFM of the modular IR(A) course shall complete all the instructional stages in one continuous approved course of training. Prior to commencing the PIFM, applicants shall demonstrate competence in basic instrument flying skills (refresher training shall be given as required).
** Applicants for the ME-IR(A) course who do not hold a ME class rating shall complete a multi-engine training course up to the Skill Test standard (although not required to pass the Skill Test) prior to commencing the flight training for the IR(A) course.
*** The theoretical knowledge instruction shall already have been completed prior to the flight training course. The PIFM and the Skill Test shall be completed within the period of validity of the pass in the theoretical examinations.
En-Route Instrument Rating (EIR)
Although more limiting than the “full” Instrument Rating, the En-Route Instrument Rating can be used throughout Europe. We can offer a EIR for both Multi Engine (ME-EIR) and Single Engine (SE-EIR). We can also offer conversion courses from Single Engine EIR to Multi Engine EIR.
Minimum Training Requirements
The absolute minimum training requirement for a SE-EIR is 15 hours. For a ME-EIR, the minimum is 16 hours.
Jill Develin:
M: 07788 713291
Z Islam:
M: 07803 755560